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In this section you will find information on the product TendoVis™ and its use in the treatment of Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy. We have included TendoVis™ prescribing information, clinical study, and other useful information.
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A Prospective non-randomised comparative study with rehabilitation therapy have demonstrated the following clinical results:
Clinical results:
- Statistically significant decrease of pain at rest after 2 weeks
- Statistically significant decrease of pain during activities after 2 weeks
By interacting with the collagen fibres in the tendon, biocompatible TendoVis™ facilitates the alignment of the fibres into their normal parallel arrangement for faster healing. TendoVis™ also acts as a structural support and lubricant at the injury site to improve the healing process due to its natural properties.
Hyaluronic acid has an ancillary effect of reducing pain and limiting inflammation. TendoVis™ containing STABHA™ (Soft Tissue Adapted Biocompatible Hyaluronic Acid) will help reduce pain and limit inflammation in Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy due to these ancillary effects with a low probability of systemic side effects.
TendoVis™ is an injection that can only be performed by a medical professional that has been trained in the injection technique. TendoVis™ should be injected into the injury site and the 2nd injection to be administered 2 weeks following the 1st injection.
TendoVis™ containing STABHA™ (Soft Tissue Adapted Biocompatible Hyaluronic Acid) has been designed specifically to interact optimally with soft tissue ligaments and tendons due to its purity profile and biocompatibility. When STABHA™ is injected into the site of injury; it reacts rapidly and efficiently in helping the repair of the tendon. STABHA™ helps to align the collagen fibres and restores the morphological and functional characteristic of the tendon structure. STABHA™ also helps by providing the ECM (Extra Cellular Matrix) with the required Hyaluronic Acid to aid in healing.
The main content of TendoVis™ is STABHA™ (Soft Tissue Adapted Biocompatible Hyaluronic Acid)